Frequently Asked Questions
We see in today’s Direct Cremation practice, an opportunity to return to inner family roots by preparing the loved one’s earthly body (prior to the cremation process) for a private family “last good-bye” and gathering time. That gathering time is best provided by the family’s local funeral home.
- What is Cremation?
Cremation is a centuries-old funeral rite that has grown in preference in Europe, Asia and the United States. In Cremation, once life has left the body, the body is allowed to be consumed by flames so that only ashes and bone fragments remain. (as cremains).
-Why are more and more families choosing cremation ?
There are many reasons why Cremation With Services and Cremation Without Services is being selected as a preferred choice in the final disposition of one’s body.
- Personal and spiritual philosophies
- Simplicity and convenience
- Financial considerations
- Greater acceptance within religious church communities
- More people now live away from their family roots, and therefore historic traditions
- Economy of earth space
- What is Private Cremation Care?
Private Family Cremation Care provides for special attention to both the body of the deceased and to the body of the family whose wellness suffers from the loss of one of its own.
It blends the core strength of traditional funeral service with the efficiency of direct cremation.
In Private Family Cremation Care, before cremation of the body takes place, the family that has been touched by death is provided a quiet gathering space by their local funeral home where they can be in the presence of their loved-one. Family members are allowed this private viewing time for the sharing of memories, prayer, exchanging hugs, and other expressions of love; the family group now celebrating the lives of all within the circle of final farewell. This time of togetherness begins to fill the empty feelings associated with loss; and emotional healing does begin
- Is Embalming required for Cremation?
No. However public health concerns, time constraints, and the type of services chosen might make embalming appropriate or necessary prior to cremation services. For example, embalming is desirable for family gatherings to insure that the loved-one is presentable in appearance and free from communicable disease; so therefore safe physically to touch. In many cases, the body is held in a specially designed refrigeration unit until time for cremation. This almost eliminates the costs associated with embalming. (Short-term preservation may be a consideration to allow for family travel schedules.)
- May memorial services still be held?
Yes. In fact, cremation offers more options. A cremation service today allows families the opportunity to choose as much or as little formality and participation as they want or need. Memorial services may be held shortly after the death or they may be arranged at a later date to accommodate family preferences.
- What may be done with the love-one's cremated remains, (Cremains)?
The loved-one’s family may choose an urn for permanent containment of ashes to be kept either temporarily in the home, or permanently in a columbarium; a room or small building where niche spaces may be purchased . Also, most cemeteries permit more than one person to be interred in an adult burial space if cremation is chosen. Today, as the popularity for cremation increases, more and more churches are constructing Memorial Gardens on the church property for their members’ ashes to directly be placed in the earth.
- What about scrattering of Cremains?
Since Cremains are essentially an inert oxidized substance, they cannot cause a chemical reaction when brought in contact with other materials. However, permits may be required. Federal, State and Local laws should be reviewed prior to scattering cremated remain on public property. Written permission may be required, particularly for scattering on private property. t.
- Your own cremation considerations and Pre-Planning?
Think about your own pre-planned funeral arrangement just as you would in honoring the life of a loved-one. Consider the role that a personalized service would play. Sharing your convictions about life’s inevitable challenges and choices through special music, scripture passages, poems and readings can tell a rich tale!